🏪ShelterResources in this category include temporary or emergency housing, long-term housing, and support services for survivors experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.
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🧥ClothingResources in this category include access to food assistance programs, clothing donations, and community pantries for survivors in need.
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⚖️LegalResources in this category include legal aid services, pro bono legal assistance, and advocacy organizations providing legal support and representation to survivors of human trafficking.
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🗣️TherapyResources in this category include trauma-informed counseling services, therapy programs, and mental health clinics offering support to survivors with various mental health concerns.
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☎️Job AssistResources in this category include job training programs, employment assistance services, and career development support.
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📚EducationResources in this category include educational grants, scholarships, and programs that facilitate survivors' completion of education or provide access to further formal education and skill development opportunities.
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💊RehabResources in this category include rehabilitation centers, drug and alcohol detox programs, and support services for survivors recovering from substance abuse.
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👣Peer GroupsResources in this category include support groups, peer-led initiatives, and community networks for survivors of human trafficking.
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💰FundsResources in this category include financial assistance programs, emergency grants, and relief funds for survivors facing financial hardships.
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✈️TravelResources in this category include travel assistance programs, transportation vouchers, and support for survivors in need of travel arrangements.
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🔄Tattoo RemovalResources in this category include tattoo removal providers, tattoo cover-up providers, and free clinics for survivors.
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👩‍⚕️️OBGYNResources in this category include obstetric and gynecological healthcare providers or clinics, prenatal care services, and reproductive health support. These providers may provide trauma-informed care.
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👶ChildcareResources in this category include childcare services, daycare centers, and support programs for survivors with children.
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🏥MedicalResources in this category include primary healthcare services, clinics, and medical facilities offering general medical care and check-ups to survivors. These providers may provide trauma-informed care.
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🦷DentalResources in this category include dental clinics, low-cost or free dental services, and dental care and treatment programs. These providers may provide trauma-informed care.
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🤰PregnancyResources in this category include pregnancy resource centers, prenatal care, childbirth education, and support services for expectant mothers.
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